Tuesday, May 27, 2014

So, I guess you're wondering...

So I guess you're wondering why I called this meeting.

Well, I got the itch, I tell ya! And I think the state of online publishing has reached a point where I can maintain an effective, if smaller, presence without having to own a personal computer. If I do it right, and if I'm correct in my belief that folks generally need what I plan to offer, then I can monetize (ewe! right? You must have plenty then cause I surely don't!) without compromising the quality of the product.

I plan to blog on topics ranging from official corruption to shining examples of integrity in the midst of corrupt institutions. Further, I will be focusing on what I am familiar with and what I can see. I have a long history of interest in and writing primarily about drug policy reform and institutional child abuse.

Whistle-blowing on these topics has often brought me into conflict with... well, a lot of people, but particularly law enforcement. I have been harassed at my home and suffered being on the no-service list myself and, worse, seeing my then 14 - 19yo daughter battered and abuse by an adult dope dealer while local law enforcement pointed and laughed in my face. I don't back down and neither did she. She's 30 now, going strong and very much in favor of my doing just as I do, being just as I am.

All this because it is assumed by some that I hate cops. I don't hate cops. I hate corruption and view it our civic duty, as citizens in a free republic, to address corruption by peaceful and legal means and to keep our public institutions flying straight... even when it hurts to do so.

To that end, I plan to model this new entity a lot like the old Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora . All interested parties are eagerly welcome to comment. This, however, will be a moderated forum to some degree. I want serious opinion, not troll wars and death threats. I'll be tweaking that as I go, just so you know. I do NOT want to squash or censor conflicting views on any topic. However, I will not be held liable for the expressed opinions or actions of anyone but my own damned self, thanks very much.

I need some help, too. If anyone is interested in being an author here, please get in touch. I also need a twitter head cause I don't think I'll have time anytime soon to learn all about that.

So here's my first theme.

The only good cop is at least a supporting member of LEAP
